Thursday, June 18, 2015

Juicing Journey Testimony

Ever since I finally committed to a healthier lifestyle, I knew that I was going to use foods to help heal any current & future health problems I may have. To me, a good portion of our health care system is a joke; attempting to put a band-aid over the problem with medication. 

In January, I noticed a change in my bowel movements (I know, not the best topic, but listen! lol). I was very regular & then it just got sporadic. At this time, I will admit, although still following a healthy diet, I still felt like I could have done a lot better. Reluctantly, I went to the Dr. in March who told me to add more fiber to my diet. I though, "Okay...she's not trying to fix this with mediation, that's a good start" 

I went, for the next month, upped my fiber & had blood tests done as well (just for routine). My movements were okay. I was still missing days, but whatever, I read that happens. I reported back with better news with my Dr. at my follow up visit in April.

After reviewing my blood work, I was officially diagnosed with anemia (which I could have told her that). With that said, she wanted me to see a gastro (this is going to be fun!) to see if he can determine what's going on (her theory was I was losing blood through my stool; however never really ran tests for that). Whatever, I humored her & I took the info for the gastro.

Before my gastro appt, I had made an appt with a nutritionist, just to make sure I was on point. This entire journey & I never talked with a Dr. before starting. Amazingly, the nutritionist thought I was doing well & even was currently eating a lot of foods she had on display. She gave me a handful of recipes & I was happy with myself.

Fast forward to my gastro appt. I knew this wasn't going to end well. I met with the Dr for 5 minutes who quickly determined he wanted to preform a colonoscopy & endoscopy (ea procedure $10K!!!!) on the same day the following week. Oddly enough, the same day of the appt, I had started my juicing regime (now currently on Day 11). 

I made the appt & ordered the prep kit. Appt was on a Monday & I was on the phone with the gastro Dr Wednesday morning cancelling it. It didn't feel right. So far, it was the best decision I've made. 

I had made the decision Tuesday night laying in bed. I realized that since juicing (and at this point, it had only been 2 full days), I had gone to the bathroom 4 times (and continue to do so til today). The low iron feeling that I normally get (I literally can sense it!) gone! I was able to donate plasma just yesterday with my hematocrit being on point at a 38! It has also been over a week since I took myself off Naproxen (which was for my knee)

Real food will heal you, you just have to allow it to do so! I have more energy & I feel more relaxed in the evenings. I sleep a lot better & I get the "you're glowing" compliments. I have juiced before in the past, but I think this time was def eye opening because I feel like I have totally dodged a bullet with this one.

Let's do this!


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