Saturday, May 17, 2014

New bathing suit after 100+ lb weight loss!!!

Believe it or not, I had the same bathing suit since 2009; even after I had lost all the weight, I was still using my purple bathing suit. For some reason, the purple bathing suit made me feel confident; in a way, it represented my weight loss. When I first purchased the bathing suit, it barely fit & I had to keep pulling it up to prevent "the girls" from spilling over. To date, I had lost so much weight since the purchase of said bathing suit, that the fabric was lose on me, hanging over like potential lose skin (thankfully, even after the 115 lbs I have lost, I have yet to experience lose skin) & in a way showed my accomplishment. I was holding the lose bathing suit as a badge of honor.

One day, while in the hot tub with my husband, the bubbles started to inflate my bathing suit (like it normally does) making me look fat again (there was a bubble that would show above the water). I guess it must have been me feeling super confident about my weight loss, that that experience with the bathing suit bubble (which I've experienced the bubble before, just no feeling behind it until now) made me feel "fat" & a failure for not buying a new bathing suit to commemorate my new body. 

This transformation has been easy at times & difficult at times. There has definitely been a LOT of emotion behind this weight loss. You begin to analyze everything about your past life; why you did what you did, why you acted like you did, why did you let people take advantage of you, etc.   

Needless to say, that same day I bought a brand spanking new bathing suit; for the first time in 5 yrs! I def feel super confident in it & it fits JUST RIGHT! Now I feel like I am finally showing off my new body when on the beach or at the pool. I no longer have that "lose bathing suit skin"

And the torn up purple one is officially in the trash!!!! Out with the old & in with the new!

Thank you,


  1. Looking great! What an awesome transformation. The new suit looks fantastic!

    1. Awww! Thank you so much! Def in it to win it!!!!! :)
